WOULD SHAKESPEARE VOTE FOR TRUMP & VANCE? In a scene from Shakespeare’s first smash hit, Richard III, two professional killers are sent to murder Richard’s brother George, the Duke of Clarence. One of them says to the other that he is starting to have pangs of conscience about his work, while the other says that is a very bad idea if you are in the assasination line of work. They kill the Duke of Clarence anyhow. It’s not an important scene, but it does illustrate that Shakespeare can’t pass up the chance to illustrate the messiness and self-division of human life. We must make a living, but we also have a conscience. Both make demands of us, and there are no easy solutions. Trump and. Read on »
A Mindset List® for the Class of 1999 They were born in 1977 and entered college in 1995. Elvis Presley, Joan Crawford, and Bing Crosby have always been dead. Ye and Tom Brady have always been alive. The president’s younger brother has always had his very own Billy beer. The Force has always been with someone, somewhere, sometime. Spain has always been a democracy. The murderous Son of Sam has always inhabited the body of a black Lab in Yonkers, New York. Egyptian presidents have always been visiting Israel. There has always been a Department of Energy. Sarah Barasch has never confused Tom McBride with John Cougar Mellencamp. The Panama Canal has always been controlled by……..Panama. Shawn Gillen has always been a prcocious teen-ager in Chicago. Uranus has always had rings. An Read on »
THE OLD-COLLEGE-TRY LIST for the Class of 2028 The college and university class of 2028 will enter classrooms this fall. They were born in 2006. They have never shared the planet with Betty Freidan, Shelley Winters, Kirby Puckett, Abu al-Zarqawi, or Peter Benchley. “Friend” has always been a verb, and “tweet” always a click. Barack Obama was elected …to the Senate. Terrorists thrived from India to Iraq. You could watch a video on your wrist. People were still going to Blockbuster stores. People made lists and put them in buckets. Tony Blair was becoming the incredible shrinking prime minister. A meal in the college dining room that cost five dollars the year they were born now costs about $7.79 today. 1 They Read on »
The Make America Great Again movement is *Hyper-Traditional. Nothing more needs to be learned. American ideals about more perfect unions or created equal need not be updated to apply to minorities, immigrants, and homosexuals. *Instinctual. Praise is heaped on spontaneous instinct without reflection, action without rationale, and “telling it like it is” whether true or false, with or without evidence. *Hyper-Masculine. Guns and violent takeovers are highly valued; assaults against women are not disqualifications. *Super-Nationalistic. Fortress America needs no justification for its actions, and non-Americans of all sorts are not to be trusted. *Anti-Difference. People with brown, black, and yellow skins are a source of suspicion and a demographic threat; and different opinions that oppose the party line are not tolerated and Read on »
Bad Housekeeping: The Obsession with Cleanliness in American Political Life By Tom McBride I grew up with a couple of clean-freaks, and they would often say that their entire marriage was happy based on their mutual obsession with sanitation. They were also neat-niks, but this was just another version of their love for cleanliness. This is also an addictive theme in American politics and probably in politics overall. We’re all familiar with the struggle in American cities to rid New York or Chicago of corrupt political machines, with their dirty ward heelers and cops. Good government types, or “goo-goos,” as Tammany Hall derisively called them, were all for clean, transparent government–an emphasis on transparency that Windex itself would envy. But the drive for cleanliness Read on »
he Always-Never List for the Class of 2027 Born in 2005 (Please send comments/questions to mcbridet@beloit.edu) While this year’s new college students were being born, Johnny Carson and Rosa Parks were dying; ice caps at the North Pole were slowly moving towards what may be a summer devoid of ice; The 1918 flu strain was being revived in a lab; George W. Bush was preparing for what would prove to be a rocky second term; Hollywood was going nuts on sci-fi and fantasy flicks; the Chicago White Sox were suddenly unbeatable; Saddam Hussein sat helplessly in a courtroom; and a video called “Meet Me At the Zoo” was uploaded to an upstart new internet site called YouTube. This is all but Read on »
The Po-Mo Putin The alleged war criminal isn’t so bad once you see what he really is. Vladimir Putin would not like Post-Modernism, a trend from the decadent intellectual salons of France that quickly spread like a domineering blob to the rest of Europe and North America. He would see its slippery relativism as perilously consistent with non-binary-sexual preferences and other germs that America and the European Union wish to smuggle into the Motherland and that might be lurking, even now, in Nazi Kiev. He would not like this sort of thing. It is unclear whether or not he knows what it is. Less mysterious is what he would think of it. But can he do without Read on »
SECRETS: The Mindset List® of UNDERWEAR You ae likely wearing undergarments while you read this. What’s in an undergarment—mindsets, that’s what. The history of underwear is a history of mindsets—about outer versus inner, about discretion versus convenience, about civilization versus comfort, about sex appeal versus repression of same, and about men versus women. Go backstage with us now to consider, say, the Victoria’s Secret Mindset of Fruit of the Loom! 1 As he began his life of crime in Breaking Bad, Walter White found it so hot in the meth lab that he had to strip down to his jockey shorts—yes, they were white. 2 The loin cloth was the earliest type of underwear, but only the rich could afford Read on »
These poems trace days in the lives of such cats as Meo, Joe, Ophelia, and Big Boy. They also illustrate some lively feline wisdom. I’ve long thought that, the more like cats we are, the better off we will be, and will add to this verse at least once a week. –TM A BLIZZARD OF CATS We couldn’t tell even one from all the others, De-itemized by sheer numbers as they were. The wind blew them all from side to side. A very few motorists braved the storm. A Maine Coon or Siamese walloped their windshields. Eight lives remained. They blocked out the phone poles and swank cafes. An endless feline deletion Erased the prairies and the hills. They filled Read on »
Barbie’s Very Own Mindset List® All Dolled Up One of the great philosophical puzzles is called “Theseus’ Ship.” This ship over the decades has to be repaired so many times that finally there is not a single board left from the original vessel. Is “Theseus’ Ship” still THESEUS’ SHIP? It’s a question of continuity and identity—and it is relevant to the thousands of makeovers of Barbie Dolls over the past 6o-plus years. Is Barbie still BARBIE? You be the judge. Here’s a little list to help you decide! 1 Barbie is 64 but has never looked her age. 2 There are over a billion Barbies. 3 She has been on cable and streaming for nearly 20 years. 4 She and Read on »
Shakespeare’s Philosopher-Ghosts Tom McBride Ghosts all tell the same story: that what we thought was over and settled is not so; that miscreants can’t get away with their crimes and you can’t cut off and steal someone’s hand without their coming back as ghosts to claim it. The motto of ghosts is what Faulkner once said: “The past isn’t over; it’s not even past.” This is also the typical message of literary ghosts and part of the fun of ghost stories. The premise is that death settles nothing, in a way a comforting idea, and if you throw in the spookiness of ghosts, as long as we readers are safe from them, then the whole thing adds up to Read on »
Beloit From A to Z: Tom McBride Note: This list only tickles the surface of a Beloit College record abundant with colorful achievements. It will be edited from time to time to become as inclusive as possible. Suggestions are welcome at mcbridet@beloit.edu A: Aaron. Aaron Lucius Chapin was Beloit’s first president, a Congregational minister praised by Lincoln for helping civilize “the west.” Midway through his presidency, just after the Civil War, he said the new college was growing into what he called “lustsy manhood.” Folks talked differently back then. B: Beloit. Beloit, Wisconsin is the home of Beloit College and gave it its name. It was founded in the mid-1840s or about the same time as the college was. It Read on »
The Mindset List of Shrinking Attention Spans Tom McBride In the 1600s the philosopher Blaise Pascal said that the world was troubled because so few of its inhabitants could sit in a quiet room alone for an hour without interruption. By this standard, the world is in trouble indeed. The distinguished journal New Philosopher recently called “Distraction” a leading issue of our time and devoted a whole issue to it. Here is a quick & dirty overview of the issue: a conversation starter for the Age of All-Too-Shortened Focus. 1 2015: Citing a dubious footnote in a Microsoft study, leading media publications proclaimed that the average human attention span is now one-second fewer than that of the average goldfish—whose focus Read on »
The Mindset List of Throwback Technology Is it possible to go forward and backwards at the same time? The wisdom about advanced technology seems settled: it comes fast; new is always better; it makes us more productive but tyrannizes our time. And so: there is a reaction—a wish to go backwards with THROWBACK TECHNOLOGY. Some of this is a genuine preference for the older technology; some of it is sheer nostalgia; some of it is the design of an old-tech façade with new-tech convenience. Whatever it is, retro is in! THE MINDSET LIST OF THROWBACK TECHNOLOGY is a fast and lively look at this peculiar paradox. 1 It took seventeen years for the telegram to replace the Pony Express; it Read on »
THE MINDSET LIST OF MOLAR MECHANICS Or; Why You Should Hug Your Dentist! There are two common beliefs about dentists: that they grow rich and that they have high suicide rates. The truth is far more tangled. Although studies draw opposite conclusions about dentists’ suicide rates, there is ample evidence that they are more depressed and anxious, and feel more isolated than do members of the general population. Dental school is costly, and the debt incurred to go there, and then to set up one’s own business, can be huge. Dentists often strain their backs and shoulders to get into treatment positions, and the results can pile up to the point of serious orthopedic agony. Dental patients are nervous, and Read on »
THE MINDSET LIST OF MILLENNIAL MATURITY” Respect Is Overdue! Perhaps you’ve been watching TV lately and heard a recent college graduate say that he will not take any job with any organization that does not “value” him, and maybe you thought to yourself, “those selfish Millennials are at it again.” But you’d be wrong. Even the youngest Millennial has been out of college for several years now, and the oldest are turning 40. The Millennials were the first generation of digital natives. They grew up with the World Wide Web and social media and selfies. They were almost instantly branded as a discontinuous generation, the first gang of disrupters, with self-centered entitlement and an inordinate love of avocado toast. But Read on »
The Mindset List of America’s Greece and Rome Recently the Mindset List presented its list of “American Biblical Illiteracy.” But the Bible isn’t the only great American frame of reference: language we still use but origins we’ve forgotten. The other great pervasive influence—on our vocabulary, our phrases, our buildings, and our customs—is the ancient world of Greek and Rome. This is the realm of Socrates and Julius Caesar, of Plato and Nero and multiple others. It’s myth and history and architecture and literature. Without the background of classical Greek and Rome, America as it is now would never have existed, Our Founding Fathers knew the classics very well, and we ordinary Americans know a lot more about ancientGreece and Rome Read on »
The Mindset List of Naked America 2.0 In 1964 Vance Packard wrote a book about the loss of American privacy—which he called THE NAKED SOCIETY. He was worried about Americans’ vanishing right to be let alone in the face of photography and newspaper stories. Sixty years later few things are more important than the issue of privacy. Is Facebook a social media company or a surveillance company that sells our personal data to the highest bidder? How pervasive is government snooping on its own citizens? Is privacy a Constitutional right guaranteeing the choice to get an abortion, or is it something dreamed up by hippie liberal judges? What are we to make of a society where you can get as Read on »
THE MINDSET LIST OF SEXUAL REVOLUTION 2.0 In retrospect Sexual Revolution 1.0 seems to have been a pretty simple affair. A revolt against Victorian standards, in alliance with the birth control pill, made increased sex, in or out of wedlock, more and more acceptable and less and less risky. People, especially he young, took their clothes off, and pretty soon “sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll” were the reigning triad in Europe and North America. In time, however, the bill came due. Sexually transmitted diseases weren’t all curable by any means, and sexual aggression was out of sync with gender equality. Thus, SR 1.0 came to a somewhat whimpering end. Now we are in SR 2.0 but unlike SR 1.0 Read on »
The Mindset List of Queen Elizabeth Monroe: Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend They’ve never been together before—until now. They are arguably the two most iconic women on the planet after World War II. Nearly eighty years on, few on the globe would not recognize their images. They are both royals, albeit in different modes. They both proved, and continue to prove, the enduring truth that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, whether on the head or around the neck. 1 Both were born 40 days apart in 1926, the future British queen as Elizabeth Windsor and the future Hollywood queen as Norma Jean Mortenson. 2 Marilyn took as her surname the American president who declared an American empire in Read on »
the Biblical The Biblical In-QUIZ-ition: A Scriptural Ultra Sound Just for YOU! By Ron Nief with Tom McBride Nowhere in the Bible does it say you must KNOW the Bible in order to go to Heaven. But once upon a time in America people not only kept the Family Bible in a pride-of-household place. They read it daily. Above all, it was the linguistic sea they swam in. Hundreds 0f familiar phrases emerged from its tissue-thin pages. The Bible was a linguistic way of life. That was a while ago. How familiar are you with those days of yore? This little quiz—our own version of the old “inquisition” of the Late Middle Ages—is a quick and dirty way to find Read on »
The Mindset List of Anxious Adolescence: A Teen’s Brain on Social Media The great social media platforms permit teens, and the rest of us, to network, find interesting acquaintances, and share inspiring moments. Social psychologists and parents say that social media also makes teens anxious. Adolescence is a tough time anyhow—all those self-esteem and developmental issues—but social media platforms, combined with recession, pandemics, and political bitterness, make things even worse. Lots of kids do fine with Facebook and Instagram and all the others, but many will struggle and find social media a paradoxically addictive burden. Here’s the pubescent mindset of an incessant process that some experts think is becoming a national problem. 1. Our social sciences teacher said people our Read on »
THE MINDSET LIST OF HAVANA SYNDROME Other than UFO sightings, few unexplained events have gotten as much attention as has the so-called HAVANA SYNDROME, a series of incidents reported especially by American (and some Canadian) diplomats all over the world. These personnel and their families say that they have experienced a wide array of symptoms, including disorientation, imbalance, nausea, confusion, concussion, deafness, and fatigue. A few of them have been unable to return to work, and a Congressional bill, bi-partisan, and signed by the president, has supplied benefits for American government employees who experience brain and heart injuries, Havana Syndrome is a cause for alarm and mystery. But it has not happened in a vacuum but in a mindset. It maps onto Read on »
THE MINDSET LIST OF MICROMANAGING PARENTS There’s nothing quite like starting a 40year trend. And, even better, doing it quickly. By the end of Regan’s first term Stranger Danger, Play Dates, Bike Helmets, and Satanic Panic were all big cultural trends, and they have yet to exhaust themselves. By the 90s “Velcro Parents” and “Helicopter Parents” had entered the lexicon. They’re still growing strong, with children’s self-esteem and safety on the line, and a growing trend towards consumerism in daycare, summer camp, grammar and elementary schools, and even colleges and universities. So far, it seems, graduate and professional schools have escaped. Such parents and guardians have mindsets. Read on. 1 Stranger Danger has always been a thing. 2 A Play Date is rarely a bad idea. Read on »
THE MINDSET LIST OF AMERICAN BIBLICAL ILLITERACY By Ron Nief and Tom McBride (niefr@beloit.edu and mcbridet@beloit.edu) There was a time when bible stories were taught in school as literature. No more. Surveys confirm a dramatic decline in church membership and attendance, particularly among young people. Biblical illiteracy is up there with financial illiteracy. “People revere the bible but nobody reads it,” concluded a Gallup poll. Our concern does not relate to a decline in faith and morals. Our issue is that, today, with little exposure to the hymns and classic stories of Joshua, David, Paul, and Lot’s wife, generations are coming away with little understanding of important scriptural references that fill great literature and pop up in rock lyrics and Read on »
A TRIP DOWN CENTURY LANE: On Being a Teen-Ager in 1922 Suppose it were a hundred years ago, you were eighteen, and trying to get your life out of the blocks. Well, there was reason to be optimistic. Sure, Germany had hyperinflation and Italy had something new called “fascism,” but the major powers were disarming, the “movies” were getting longer, the presidents of the world were talking on something called “radio,” and Ireland and Egypt were free states at last. Edward, that dashing new Prince of Wales, promised to be a great king someday. That League of Nations would keep mega-destructive wars from ever happening again. And if you were an American, then your president was as handsome as a Read on »
Tom McBride and Ron Nief called them “Mindset Moments.” They are the settings in which you have made a witty point or perceptive observation, yet you have been met with blank stares. The message is clear that your inciteful observation has fallen flat. And your audience doesn’t know what you are talking about. These “moments” provided the impetus, 25 years ago, when Tom and I were still of sound mind at Beloit College, for the creation of the Mindset List and several books. It was a list we shared initially with faculty colleagues and, eventually, with audiences around the world with the warning: BEWARE OF HARDENING OF THE REFERENCES. An intriguing setting for these Mindset Moments today has come Read on »
THE TEENS-TURN-50 LIST Today’s New College Kiss in Thirty Years BY Tom McBride (mcbridet@beloit.edu) And Ron Nief (niefr@beloit.edu) Today’s high school graduates will have their adjustments cut out for them as we confront a period of sometimes wrenching change. As they set a course in life, they might well consider that in the next 30 years, as they approach middle age, they will find that…. 1 India will be the most populated country in the world. 2 Populations in Europe will be old, those in Africa, young, and the populations of Canada and other northern tier countries will have doubled and tripled. 3 Covid will have been forgotten as climate change, forcing people and animals to live closer and closer Read on »
It’s difficult to unteach old dogs old tricks, and this applies particularly to the creators of The Mindset List, Tom McBride (mcbridet@beloit.edu) and Ron Nief (niefr@beloit.edu). Each year about this time we just naturally start thinking about the world we know and how it compares to the world of this year’s high school graduates preparing to head off to college, voting booths, and other great adventures. Their’s is a different world from their mentors and even from those just a few years older. Therefore, we offer a few of our thoughts drawn from… THE 18-ER FILE If you were born in 2004 and turned 18 in 2022, THEN: You may be the last generation to prefer reality to the metaverse. You are Read on »
04/23/2023: What Might Confucius Say About the Trans-Gender Controversy? During a recent debate in the Montana State legislature, the gathered senators refused to acknowledge the body’s one trans-gender member, who represents 11,000 people in her district. Most of the members are anti-LGBTQ rights and felt that those who uphold these rights should not be called upon even if they have their hands up and are duly elected. In this context, some might think that they who would call upon the member for her remarks are “progressives” or “radicals” or “liberals.” But what if they are actually CONSEERVATIVES? Confucius and his followers have said, “Review the past in order to create the future.” What is the conservative (past) wisdom of acknowledging Read on »
09/20/2023: What ARE the Sounds of Silence Anyhow? Simon and Garfunkel’s famed song, “The Sounds of Silence,” illustrate a tricky problem. The idea of “silence” as a “sound” would seem to be a contradiction, but if a car backfiring is a sound, then its contrast of total quiet would also, by comparison, be a “sound,” too. Do we know tings only through opposites? Can we really know love unless we have experienced hatred? Or joy if we have never been sad? There’s a celebrated thought experiment about “Mary” in philosophy. Mary knows everything there is to know, in the abstract, about the color blue, but she has never seen it herself. She has never seen a red-white-and-blue flag, even if Read on »
The Mindset List for the Graduating High School Class of 1961 Authors note: For more than two decades the Beloit College Mindset List chronicled the experiences and event horizons of 18-year-old students as they entered college. Created by Ron Nief, director of Public Affairs at Wisconsin’s Beloit College and his Beloit College colleague, Prof. of English Tom McBride, the list was distributed internationally each August as the authors traveled the country speaking and doing interviews. It was initially intended as a reminder to those faculty facing first- year students to beware of “hardening of the references.” Over the years it became one of the most quoted “back-to-school” references and was cited by Time Magazine as a part of the “American Read on »
The Selfish: KEY : A New Theory of Music Genes are selfish. But so are piano keys. In 1976, Richard Dawkins transformed the popular conception of biology and of Darwin by proclaiming that genes are selfish but that nature honors them and nothing else. The bumper sticker version might read, “Nature likes selfishness.” This is a misconception of what Dawkins actually said. But in his still best-selling book, The Selfish Gene, he did say that genes, if personified, would be like people who care about being selected and honored and nothing else. They don’t even “care” about other genes unless they see an opportunity to combine them in a body. As for you and me, we are just on loan to our genes. We are gene-carriers Read on »
BAD HOUSEKEEPING: The Obsession with Cleanliness in American Political Life
Bad Housekeeping: The Obsession with Cleanliness in American Political Life
By Tom McBride
I grew up with a couple of clean-freaks, and they would often say that their entire marriage was happy based on their mutual obsession with sanitation. They were also neat-niks, but this was just another version of their love for cleanliness.
This is also an addictive theme in American politics and probably in politics overall. We’re all familiar with the struggle in American cities to rid New York or Chicago of corrupt political machines, with their dirty ward heelers and cops. Good government types, or “goo-goos,” as Tammany Hall derisively called them, were all for clean, transparent government–an emphasis on transparency that Windex itself would envy. But the drive for cleanliness hardly stops there.
There is also the long-time tradition of the American right wing’s love of dictators, going back to Kaiser Wlhelm the Second over a hundred years ago and forward to American isolationists’ admiration of Hitler and the preference for Central American death squads in the Reagan Administration, not to mention the current conservative dance with Putin and Viktor Orban. The idea seems to be that liberal democracies are “dirty,” in that they permit practices opposed to clean living–such as same-sex marriage or gender changes or abortion.
My parents voted for liberal Democrats, but in the home they were dictators.. Their only child was not permitted to live a life of “liberal dirtiness.” The emphasis was on a wholesome lifestyle and a spic and span room. My father took hours in the bathroom before going out in public. Folks in town would tell me what a good, clean man he was, and that I would likely never match up. These were wonderful virtues. They were not entirely consistent with personal freedom.
Later, I came to appreciate
the role of cleanliness in another way: ideology. An ideological story, whether it is one of active government creating equality or small government promoting liberty–or strong man government guaranteeing “cleanliness’ ‘–is a clean narrative, devoid of the dirt of complexity. Missing are failed government experiments or corporate monopolies or dictatorial goon squads. Life, including political life, is complex–complicatedly dirty. The simple sleekness we might cherish in an automobile or shopping center or new laptop is what we might like but rarely get in actual, lived life.
We all think Oedipus the King should have realized that it was his father he was killing at the place where three roads met, but he was living his life dirty–forwards, not backwards. Retrospection is dangerously sanitized.
Cleanliness, my sainted parents thought, and said, is next only to godliness. If so, however, why did God permit dust and soot? Millions have adored the wonderfully clean food presentation of Martha Stewart, but we must remember what all that lovely food ultimately turns into. Our politics would be more tolerant and workable if we’d get off the Mr. Clean kick. President Donald Trump wondered if toilet cleaners would kill Covid. They won’t.
Our Annual Back-to-School Special: THE ALWAYS-NEVER LIST FOR THE CLASS OF 2027–BORN IN 2005
While this year’s new college students were being born, Johnny Carson and Rosa Parks were dying; ice caps at the North Pole were slowly moving towards what may be a summer devoid of ice; The 1918 flu strain was being revived in a lab; George W. Bush was preparing for what would prove to be a rocky second term; Hollywood was going nuts on sci-fi and fantasy flicks; the Chicago White Sox were suddenly unbeatable; Saddam Hussein sat helplessly in a courtroom; and a video called “Meet Me At the Zoo” was uploaded to an upstart new internet site called YouTube. This is all but the tip of a melting iceberg. Read down and see your whole life over the past 18 years unfurled before you,
1 Never with Us Here on Earth: Rosa Parks, Johnny Carson, Richard Pryor, Peter Drucker, Ossie Davis, Prince Rainier, August Wilson, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Peter Jennings, Anne Bancroft, John DeLorean, Sandra Dee, and Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Jr.
2 They may never see another summer colder than the torrid one of 2023.
3 A cloned human embryo has always been a thing.
4 Scientists have always discovered that mice sing complex songs during sex and that wearing a red shirt significantly increases a team’s chance to win a soccer match.
5 Saturn’s moon Titan has never been free of an Earthling-engineered “splatodwn,” after a seven-year journey to get there .
6 Saddam (Hussein, that is) has always been on his route to powerlessness and execution.
7 “Ransomware” and “sexting” have always existed in our vocabulary.
8 A dwarf named Eris has always found it can no longer hide,
9 A lady named Katrina has always been the Big One.
10 Videos have always been uploaded to YouTube.
11 Pope John 2.0 has never been with us on Earth as he is in Heaven.
12 North Korea has never been nuke-free.
13 The Kyoto Protocol has never had the support of the United States.
14 A Rover has always been snooping on the Red Planet without its permission.
15 There has never been a Republican president who got the job by winning the popular vote.
16 The number of American counties won in a landslide by one party or the other has always been rising dramatically.
17 People have always been surviving rabies without a vaccination.
18 A comet has always been stalked—and socked– by a human-made flying object.
19 Charles and Camilla have never been in a common-law marriage.
20 In the ongoing Star Wars, the Sith have always sought revenge.
21 The Eurovision Song Contest has always been held in a once-tranquil Kyiv.
22 The American League Chicago baseball club has always redeemed its Black Sox in a World Series.
23 Fifty-two people have never been alive, thanks to 4 suicide bombings in London.
24 The IRA has always agreed on paper to end its armed campaign.
25 Controversial drawings of Muhammed in Danish newspapers and other publications have always engendered furious reactions.
26 HIV has always been curable, more or less.
27 There has always b been an Iraqi National Assembly.
28 Angela Merkel has always been a major force in European and global politics.
29 Faces have always been transplantable.
30 In the interest of neurological research, mice have always been created with human neurons.
31 A judge has always called “Intelligent Design” nothing more than a re-labeling of creationism.
32 Sci-fi and fantasy movies have always been the top-grossers in a single year (will we ever forget Harry Potter, War of the Worlds, and/or Narnia)?
33 According to best-sellers, the world has always been flat, economics has always been freaky, and YOU have always had your own owner’s manual.
34 Yikes—The 1918 flu strain has always been recreated in a laboratory.
35 Carrie Underwood has always been an American Idol.
36 They will always worry about getting a job in which they can be replaced by a bot.
37 They will always hear serious discussions about the need to paint roofs white in order to repel an increasingly potent sun.
38 Meeting the offspring of Sanjay Gupta or of Heidi Klum in class can never be ruled out.
39 The universe has always been simulated on a computer.
40 Criminal forensics and desperate housewives have never been unpopular.
THE PO-MO PUTIN: He’s not such a bad guy when you get to know what he really is –By Tom McBride
The Po-Mo Putin
The alleged war criminal isn’t so bad once you see what he really is.
Vladimir Putin would not like Post-Modernism, a trend from the decadent intellectual salons of France that quickly spread like a domineering blob to the rest of Europe and North America. He would see its slippery relativism as perilously consistent with non-binary-sexual preferences and other germs that America and the European Union wish to smuggle into the Motherland and that might be lurking, even now, in Nazi Kiev.
He would not like this sort of thing. It is unclear whether or not he knows what it is. Less mysterious is what he would think of it.
But can he do without it? Can he stop confronting it even as he might denounce it? A considered answer to these questions illuminates what Putin is and what post-modernism is.
The selves of the Russian Federation’s supreme leader are not legion but they are several.
He is a mystic. He would embody the Russian soul, ineffable but not altogether imprecise. It is allergic to a longing for material things. It prefers the afterlife to saunas. It is what gave hope to the peasants. It was the mist on the steppes that hinted at something better than the ruined crop of wheat. Their hovel was a Cross to bear, but it was better than all the glittering corrupt cities combined. It was why they had been put on earth to toil and perhaps be shot. Life was nasty, but it was short. It was not superstition but nature to think it would end in ceaseless ease. Devils lurked in some villages and even some dachas. They could be dealt with if need be by collective force. Miracles were a matter of course, even if you didn’t actually see one. For Putin, any loss of such priorities is a tragedy. It robs life of virtue and enchantment; salve for despair; a reason to live; an occasion for hardening of body and soul alike, not only to resist Germans at Leningrad but homosexuals in Minsk, if they dared to show themselves. It is a travesty of history for anyone to prefer silver and gold to the unvarnished local church, or to disassociate church from Russia, or even to think that the Holy Spirit can come from some anarchistic Son as opposed to a Dear Leader Father God (which bears an uncanny resemblance to Vlad himself).
The supreme leader of Russia is a gangster. He is a capo. Everyone in the corporate gang is given his monopoly over goods, services, and commodities. They are to run their corner of the market and like their gains. He only asks in exchange that they leave him alone to run the Motherland.
We are only getting started, so let us pause to ask, “Is Putin, the spiritualist and gangster, the mystic who enables luxury yachts and plenty of girls, a hypocrite?” No. He is not, and we will turn this paragon of cultural alliances into a post-modernist before we are done. Even if he hates it, he cannot do without it, and he could even thank us for so indicating. It will turn him into a creative author, so to speak, and let him of the hook with the International Court of Criminal Justice.
Let us proceed.
The supreme leader is a student of history; you might say, even, a historian. And what a historian, too! While most benighted students of history might think World War II (in Russia, the Great Patriotic War) is over, Putin knows better. Twenty-seven million Russians (technically, Soviets, but never mind) died on the way to Berlin, and there the matter was settled forever: Russia would never again be threatened on its long eastern flank. But the West broke its word: tore down the wall, bore free market temptations, spread the illusion of individual liberty, sold meaninglessness of merchandise. It seeks to choke Mother Russia with the encirclements of NATO and EU alike. World War II is not over but is just starting, and once again Putin’s fellow countrymen are obliged to defeat the New Nazis, starting with the ones in Odessa and Kiev. Just when some think Nazis have been beaten, they pop up again; such as the burden of being a great country in perpetual struggle for survival against the pandemics of the Enlightenment. For Putin the historian, the past is not over; it’s not even past.
And then there is the arch-conservative supreme leader. This is he who knows that nothing new or odd works. There are old verities of worship and patriotism. No individual life has any meaning beyond its absorption into a great cause. Humans were not meant to live on the basis of unique choices but in the foundations of gargantuan efforts. There and there alone is found any personal glory. Yet modernity is everywhere trying to erode eternal values, and here is where masculine strength alone can protect and serve.
We must add to our inventory of selves the great karate master; the bare-shirted man on the motorcycle.
There is also the great actor on the world stage, who longs, not for himself but for the Motherland, to graduate from historic pest to global Leviathan; not just the poisoner of traitors in the West or a force of interference in (already sham) Western elections; but he who annexed Crimea and the liberator of the Ukraine. Putin seeks not to be one who pulls strings but one who strides in public gaze.
Here again the old bugbears of hypocrisy and insincerity and inconsistency raise their repellent heads. And here again we must offer him a po-mo Putin rescue plan. How can the man who is the rustic mystic live in opulent palaces? How can the devout Russian Orthodox head a state crime syndicate? How can he who thinks tradition should grow organically from the maternal soil support the coercion of a security state with a nation conveniently attached? How can a man who reveres a territorial mother embrace the hyper-masculinity of the karate court? How can he equate neo-liberal free markets with Nazism—who is the fascist here?
The post-modernist answer is that there is no conflict among any of these selves. Walt Whitman was no post-mod, but he anticipated it when he wrote “I contain multitudes.” He meant a transcendental pantheism living within himself. But for Putin it is not that but rather the creative juxtaposition of multiple texts. Putin lives not in himself but in these texts: mob boss, traditionalist, ingenious historian, world leader, karate man, religious mystic. He thinks he has a newly-great Russian state when in fact he presides over a post-modernist one—check that, the post-modernist textual state presides over him. He does not produce these texts, not really, but rather he only inhabits them. They predated him and will be around long after he is biologically and politically gone. Just as our genes survive us gene-carriers, so will Putin’s memes survive him. It is they who will actually win the siege of Leningrad or, for that matter, Kiev.
We have accordingly filched Putin from the jaws of hypocrisy; we have thrown him the life line of Post-modernism. This robs him of individual power but delivers him from charges of evil and vice. It gets even better. If he and we live in a Matrix of pre-ordained texts then all the deaths of the current war on both sides are meaningless—just part of a textual simulacrum. Yes, they will not be returning to their families except in a bier, but in the end, this is just a movie with infinite re-runs, long after Putin lies in his own bier, where he may get a grand state funeral—just another long-ago-inherited text.
When Oxford University wished to give post-modernist Jacques Derrida an honorary degree, there were protests from some dons. These were dismissed: Why protest against a scholar who merely affirms what we all know-that language is infinitely indecisive? Perhaps they were thinking of the larger extrapolation: the capacity of post-modernism to dissolve virtue, vice, and consequence.
Roland Barthes wrote a celebrated essay about the dominance of collective texts over the individual author. He called it “The Death of the Author.” Today let us affirm “The Death of the Authoritarian.” Yet somehow he continues to kill.
SECRETS: The Mindset List® of UNDERWEAR
The Mindset List® of UNDERWEAR
You ae likely wearing undergarments while you read this. What’s in an undergarment—mindsets, that’s what. The history of underwear is a history of mindsets—about outer versus inner, about discretion versus convenience, about civilization versus comfort, about sex appeal versus repression of same, and about men versus women. Go backstage with us now to consider, say, the Victoria’s Secret Mindset of Fruit of the Loom!
1 As he began his life of crime in Breaking Bad, Walter White found it so hot in the meth lab that he had to strip down to his jockey shorts—yes, they were white.
2 The loin cloth was the earliest type of underwear, but only the rich could afford to have a portion of imported silk along with the wool and linen.
3 King Tut was buried with untold riches but didn’t neglect to include his loincloth in the tomb.
4 The loin cloth goes back 7000 years ago to present-day Hawaii.
5 The first medieval under garments weren’t under at all—at first—but were trousers (braies) worn when working outside.
6 In time the trousers went “under” as padding to relieve the discomfort of mail armor worn on the legs.
7 An added and convenient feature of these trousers: the codpiece, the flap of which obviated the need to remove all armor in order to pee.
8 Henry VIII padded his codpiece in order to emphasize his faux manhood—this started a trend.
9 Women in the later Middle Ages wore smocks and gowns, the latter well-decorated; and these too were displayed openly until later, when they too went “under.”
10 The first corsets were designed to flatten, not emphasize, the bust.
11 The cotton gin revolutionized underwear, as mass-market cotton textiles became available.
12 By the 1820s whales were incessantly killed for their corset-reinforcing bones, which now squeezed women’s waists to become so tiny that their breasts were more manifest than at any other previous time in history.
13 Whales lost their lives in the process, and sometimes women were so confined as to faint in public.
14 As fashion shifted to shorter skirts, pantaloons were in demand to cover the legs.
15 Even so, pantaloon crotches were left open in the interests of hygiene.
16 It would only be a matter of time until fashion would insist that women’s bottoms also be accentuated—hence, the relatively short-lived bustle.
17 By the turn of the 20th century “Long Johns” were popular for men, women, and kids alike, but with a back flap to ease visits to the toilet.
18 The first actually comfortable corset—which stretched and removed the need for steel or whale bone—was called the “Liberty Bodice.”
19 In time, the Long John for men underwent fission, with underwear and undershirts two separate items.
20.By the 1920s there were actually ads for men’s underwear, stressing comfort and durability.
21 Boxer shorts for men spun off from boxing trunks; jockey shorts, from jockey straps, or “athletic supporters.”
22 The first bra came onto the market in 1914.
23 Bloomers began to replace pantaloons, but starting in the 1920s, hemlines got higher, comfort began to reign, bras began to flourish, and the days of the corset were numbered.
24 The first “panties” were called “step-ins.”
25 Women shed bloomers and began to cover their legs with stockings, held up by something called a “garter belt.”
26 In an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David’s estranged wife dates a man who manufactures “fly-less” men’s underwear.
27 After the Second World War, underwear actually became a fashion item, with lavish colors and synthetic materials such as dacron, rayon, and nylon.
28 Christian Dior gave the world the “Bullet-Pointed Bra.”
29 Fredericks of Hollywood made the first “Wonder Bra.”
30 As the 1960s dawned, the panty hose dawned with them.
31 In time, these would be prescribed by doctors for men and women alike who suffered from vascular leg problems.
32 The star quarterback Joe Namath became a spokesman for a leading panty house maker and was his own best role model.
33 As the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have worn on, underwear has become increasingly entangled with sex appeal, with the G-String or “thong” no longer confined to exotic dancers.
34 Underwear had not entirely lost his glamorous mystery, as the Victoria’s Secret Company long proved.
35 Bill Clinton was asked which underwear he wore—boxers.
36 Calvin Klein used almost nude male models to market his fashionable boxer shorts.
37 Underwear sales worldwide now top over 100 billion dollars a year.
38 10-year-old Jack Singer wore over 200 pair of underwear at once in 2010—a world record.
39 From the annals of “spontaneous combustion”: Before the early 1800s it was believed that pairing dirty underwear in a bucket with wheat germ would generate mice.
40 In Italy, ringing in the new year while wearing red underwear is thought to bring good luck.
41 Queen Victoria’s white cream underwear, embroidered with VR, is not priceless, but it did sell for nearly 15 grand.
42 As part of the anti-war movement in the 1960s, women’s underwear was sometimes emblazoned with PEACE and LOVE.
43 As men thought women should not wear anything between their legs, they were consigned to protection from petticoats alone.
44 Marie Antoinette once scandalized the French court by wearing a chemise dress previously used as underwear.
45 If you can find some, antimicrobial underwear can be worn for three months at a time.
46 Muslin was a popular material for underwear in 1903—and a necessary one for the Wright Brothers’ maiden flight.
47 Twelve percent of American consumers still own underwear that’s around eight years old.
48 Wearing underwear that’s been stored in a deep freeze, in order to keep cool, remains inadvisable and reserved only for the desperate.
49 Carrie Fisher wore no underwear during the filming of Star Wars because George Lucas persuaded her that there was no underwear in Outer Space.
50 Major league baseball umpires must wear black underwear in case their pants split on the field.
THE FELINE FILE: Poems for Every Cat Lover
These poems trace days in the lives of such cats as Meo, Joe, Ophelia, and Big Boy. They also illustrate some lively feline wisdom. I’ve long thought that, the more like cats we are, the better off we will be, and will add to this verse at least once a week. –TM
We couldn’t tell even one from all the others,
De-itemized by sheer numbers as they were.
The wind blew them all from side to side.
A very few motorists braved the storm.
A Maine Coon or Siamese walloped their windshields.
Eight lives remained.
They blocked out the phone poles and swank cafes.
An endless feline deletion
Erased the prairies and the hills.
They filled all caves with squeaks and squeals.
Soprano, alto, baritone.
No message; just “what are you going to do about us?”
No white-out.
A black and orange and gray-out.
A rainbow, omnipresent and soft.
A spectrum of crayoned fur.
Some wag said, “This is better than a naked tree.”
He was hanged.
Some thought they would walk the tempest out
And got clawed on the noggin,
Brushed with allergic whiskers,
Made warm against their wills.
They covered their ears against
A voluptuous meowed howl.
Most stayed in and window-watched.
They could not long evade their destiny,
What we humans were born for.
Billions came for stray rats and wingless ravens,
Begged for Sensations, Party Mix,
Iams and Fancy Feast. No lap was safe.
Harrowed halibut and miserable mackerel
And every other fishy smell.
Even the man in the highest tower
Felt a stealthy brush against his slumbering leg.
When all finally agreed to surrender,
Wave the flag with the white British shorthair on it,
There were no first names left,
Every Toby, Scruffy, and Peg used up.
Some of us went mad and crawled on all our fours.
These played hockey with bottle caps
And decided life had no other meaning
But they no more could be bothered to care.
At night after the truce, we could hear
A gargantuan concert of purrs,
Like the background radiation that proved
The Big Bang.
The church had nothing to hide.
The designers, not in vain, had tried
To make the Lord’s House glass,
As much as ever they could. The mass
Of every window to the ground
Could be seen through; even the sound
Of the organ could be heard from the great outdoors.
Thus did the church show off its stores
Of glory and of grace. Even Melissa the cat
Could gather at the earthen glass, and bat
Swarms of flies while she looked upon the Eucharist.
The priest was glad but thought Melissa missed
A vital point and told her that
“You want the Gospel, little cat,
But I don’t know your tongue.” Melissa heard
And thought, “I can’t afford your love; a sandwich turd
In the world from whence I come. Try to raise
Yourselves above yourselves. I praise
You, but myself can’t live on bread and wine.
Robins and roaches are especially fine:
The body and the blood; the Communion
Of every kitty’s common fun.”
The kid wanted a black one.
We hastened to oblige. Too late
Did we find the speck of white lurking on his mane.
The creature sat with dignity,
Like a living statue in some carny show.
Ineffable logic made him Franklin.
They say cats are career-less.
Frank, shy but sly, was also disputatious.
He smudged his regal subtlety
With deep basso meows. A pro,
He built the family larder with sparrows & crows.
He defended family honor:
Tourneys with badgers and Molly Calico.
His vet bills were enormous.
This is the end of Part One.
His family having moved,
Frank thought that they themselves should fend
For fine cachet & food.
Always retiring in his way,
He retired in unobtrusive fact.
Every career has a finite run.
Walls were as fun
As warblers used to be.
Unlike his betters,
Frank knew that there could be
A time to flee.
Frank knew that he had done his course
And none dared disagree.
Of vet bills was the family free.
End of Part Two.
When the family was away,
Frank fell beneath the sway
Once more of the Heady Out-of-Doors.
He confounded an alarm.
The cops came armed.
Franklin, retired at the time,
Would not pay the fine.
Two short legs legs at once,
As though prepared to pounce,
Meo sneaked out of the whiff
Of ammo executed well, and sniffed
The smoking flesh of owners
Now placed at mandatory rest. Goners
Were his mom and dad, whom he
Could always take or leave alone. The
Cop took Meo to the station
And gave him a nice vacation
From all the racket that
Had, with rat-tat-tat,
Banished his minders in a drug deal
That raised them off their crooked heels.
Officer Harry gave Meo a slice
Of hot dog and took him home, evidence
That he would snack on some benevolence. Meo
Provoked a possum soon and oh,
How he stole into the starless night. A rival beast
Had left him gored, but at least
He could salivate a gaping wound.
Harry found him strewn
In midnight agony. A lab coat shot
Cools punctures grown too hot,
A chilling salve for every tragic bite.
In penance did Meo become a fright
For thrush and mouse alike:
Proof of feral expertise, a strike
For those who only munches strive to gain,
Indifferent to Lugers and white cocaine.
Nine long years he’d live,
Time have nothing else to give.
“No,” she said
“You are wrong.
We must find a room
With locks of finest steel
And astronauts’ food
That can be cooked over
And over again. We need
A soft rug on which we wait for God.
We are not meant for wilderness,
For want and bodily harm.
We are not made for the inferno that is others.
Our place is with God.
We must wait alone
On the rug
Wirth the astronauts’ stew
Until God comes to collect us.
God needs no food.
God has no fear of snakes.
God will come to the orphanage to get us.
The orphanage will be this room
With the best steel locks and infinite Apollo grub.
We will be safe. We need only wait.
God will come in a chauffeured Mercedes Benz.”
“No,” he said.
“YOU are wrong.
We are hot meant for God.
We belong in the woods
Or among killers and sharks.
We are flesh, easily bruised and eaten.
We know we are.
We can never be with God.
God does not take in animals.
God is not like us.
God has no end.
God’s only end is not to have one.
But we can change the subject.
We can have hobbies.
We can fancy utopias
Like a puzzle finished or a crossword done.
We can double back on ourselves.
We can put off the bad-ass days.
We can go bowling.
A ten-strike makes it hard
To think of misery and ceasing to be.
No other animal can knock down pins
With a heavy black ball
Or color the ball green. Or White.
No. it is you who are wrong
With your dreams of rugs
And moon-walker steak.”
The cat pounced on the counter.
It knocked off a steak knife for attention.
“You are both wrong,”
Said the cat. “I am in Paradise
Because I do not know I am in Paradise.
Your poor, lousy, talking creatures.
Now I shall shut up.
I will never speak more,
Lest I learn by blabber that I am in Paradise
And fret that I will lose it, you see,
For Heaven is a yummy chickadee.”
March 5, 1953
Joe’s folks had found an early spring.
Cameron Park beckoned in the sun.
There were ponies to ride.
A little train to board
And a bluff that gave a river to adore.
Kitty Joe was left to his own device. He had a lawn,
His very own, and a shortcut—his, too—
And an unassuming green bush to hide in
And a narrow path beneath
That led to the bump-ravaged street
Where cars were rarely seen
And straight to Old Man Hildebrand’s
Bermuda grass, finely chiseled by a grouch.
From there could Joe find flower beds
Where hung out mice and
A fallen thrush. Joe could make a meal
Of what was found
In Old Man Hildebrand’s forsythias.
The flowers were innocent bystanders.
Across the seas
On this very day
A human Joe lay prone,
His wheezing labor-intensive.
He was like the other Joe:
They both had so much, these Joes.
This one had a gargantuan block
With towers and turrets alike
And skulking within were all the stairs
That marbled led to unending comrades.
There was a room and in this room was
An anteroom and yet another.
Finally, one reached a bed.
Where mustachioed Joe’s lungs worked overtime,
Like one of his Soviet farmers,
Who also labored overtime,
But was never paid for it.
Just as Joe had his lawn and his bush
And his ground tunnel and his street
And Old Man Hildebrand’s flower bed,
Joe had his Kremlin and his stairs
And his once-commanding bed.
Both Joes were blessed.
Old Man Hildebrand was mum
As he affixed his 12 gauge.
He would get Joe this time.
He would wipe him as the other Joe
Had murdered his traitors.
He would quiet all growls and every last meow,
Put a see-through hole into the larcenous fur,
Render pointless all the teeth and claws.
Old Man Hildebrand would save his forsythias
As he believed his Lord Jesus Christ had saved
All mankind, but with slightly different methods.
Joe’s comrades thought he was dying
But didn’t know what to do.
If they called the docs, it might get out
And if they saved him, Joe would blame them
For saying he was sick.
Joe would have them shot.
If they did not fetch the medicos
And Joe got well,
For not calling docs
Joe would have them shot.
Old Man Hildebrand twirled his own mustache,
He draped granny specs across a pouty face.
Quiet as a mute chipmunk he went outdoors,
Glad that nature had endorsed a slaughter house.
He fired. Billy two houses down was sure
It was a plane breaking the sound barrier.
This excited Billy. Life was good.
Joe sensed a singing of his ears.
Hence did he travel
Faster than the speed of sound
Back to his street, beneath his hidey-hole,
Through his newly-green March bush,
And back onto his very own lawn
Where Old Man Hildebrand declined to tread.
Joe the Russian
Left town in his sleep.
His last rattle mocking
His thirst for blood.
Forsythia were laid at his bier.
Joe was born a thug.
Nothing better than a bullet
Fired into the brain at the speed of sound.
Joe was a cat:
Nothing finer than forsythia fowl.
Ophelia, the star of the pound,
In the laps of everyone around,
Was taken to a home, where she
Declined the rules and felt quite free
To pad about at will.
They say that when a kitty girl is orange,
She’s always above the average.
Told to stay indoors, she still
Bullied screens off skinny patio doors
And made all lawns the floors
Of her domain. She conquered trees
And trolled with glee
The next-door pups, whose mistress
Said Ophelia’s folks might miss
Her evermore. Ophelia thrived.
But then no longer did she live.
As they love to say, she got into something.
And they could not bring
Her back. Ophelia was wild
But sweet & kind &mild
To those without four legs.
She preyed and preyed but this begs
The question of her final act:
Perishing in tooth & claw is just an average fact.
Big Boy: a big-boned Siamese;
Called a walking kitty horse.
Uncle Watford was a strolling chimney,
Disdaining filters on his Lucky Strikes.
I’d rather have nothing, said he,
Than puff some rolled-up pulp.
He’d done his duty:
Was born, had kids, learned ropes.
Hardly ever did he dwell
On the accursed points of life.
His lungs got too well-celled.
Big Boy the Cat could never tell
That Wat would soon be finalized.
Why doesn’t this cat, Wat mused,
Ever clean up after me? It was the only time
He was ever moved to re-define.
As the Big C grew, it plundered
Watford’s chest and gut alike.
One night, a gasping mortal changed the lifter.
Then lay down at last.
Big Boy was not one to fritter
Away his time, and in new-laid sand
He lay his feces, as grand
As any microbes that kill a man.
While Wat rested breathless in the other room,
Big Boy his regular napping did presume.
GOD’S THREE RULES, or Why the Real Enemy of MAGA is Margaret Thatcher
God’s Three Rules
Or, Why Margaret Thatcher is the True Enemy of MAGA
Tom McBride
It is a cliché in enlightened circles to muse that God’s list of responsibilities has dwindled. Sean Carroll, the famed physicist and podcaster, has put it precisely this way. God is no longer required to throw lightning bolts. Magnetic electricity can do that. No progressive would disagree. What the secular observer doesn’t get, though is that God is required more than ever.
Throwing lightning bolts and raising the dead were never His main line of work—and yes, the masculine pronoun is sociologically correct. Throwing and raising were just commercials. The real work of God has been to establish and enforce rules, and this is especially true of the Christian God, or what we might call the MAGA God.
What are these rules?
The first one is to remember that there is always a predictable right and wrong. One might be tempted to think otherwise without God, for He is a warrant, an underwriter, of such a dichotomy. Giving birth to a child is right. Aborting it is wrong. Celebrating Alexander Hamilton is right; putting him in hip-hop is wrong. Sex in the vagina is right; sex in the anus is wrong. A secular progressive would say this is a matter of opinion. Religious MAGAs would beg to differ It is not a matter of human opinion if God is calling the balls and strikes. God is quite necessary in order to transform mere opinion into doctrinaire, metaphysical truth.
Progressives have difficulty getting their heads around this notion. They see God as superstition, but He is not. He is a vital social fact. His great miracle is to change social facts into brute facts. To doubt that abortion and homosexuality are wrong is like being skeptical about the existence of Mount Everest. MAGAs are blamed for conspiracy theories. In fact, religious MAGAs have a solid grounding in reality once you see that, for them, reality itself is rooted in metaphysics
They are an excitable group, and why not? An apocalyptic war between good and evil is exciting. Nothing less than good versus evil, the future of a godly America (the real one), and the outcome of History is at stake. Godly MAGAs are the Bolsheviks of the right. But they are not just metaphysical; they could also claim to e pragmatists. Human beings were not created to live without God, who supplies meaning, coherence, and stability. Without God you will stand for nothing and fall for anything. The greatest proof of God’s existence is that He is so utterly necessary. His existence is evinced by the total inability of human beings to think of attempting to live without Him. He is not Spinoza’s Nature but MAGA’s Necessity.
There is a right and there is a wrong: Rule 1 What is Rule 2?
It is this: Always remember that cities are heinously overrated.. This was also the message of God’s Son, Jesus, who operated out of the little burg of Nazareth. Were Jesus to come back today, he would be in Barron, Wisconsin, or Copperas Cove, Texas. Jesus lived in a time of great, sophisticated cities: Rome, Alexandria, Athens, Jerusalem, which he entered humbly on the back of a donkey. The great cities—think today of New York or Las Angeles or San Francisco—are mired in the ways of the world, the transient and sinful pleasures of the latest trend, streaming series, or deeply-learned bot. They are all settled in time, whereas the Nazareths and Copperas Coves are in touch with the Timeless, the true province of God and His Son.
Again, progressives miss the point. Yes, Christ performed miracles and hung out with wand loved prostitutes and advocated turning the other cheek. But these were mere illustrations of the real point, which is that he grasps the eternal and is not impressed by the temporary. Were he around today, he would not be binging on The Succession of being a Taylor Swift groupie. Donald Trump is not especially Christ-like, it would seem, but he spoke for Jesus when he said Hamilton was overrated and so was Meryl Streep. For MAGA the city with its elitist trendiness is the foe. It was nice of Jesus to love the down-and-out, but his most important words were, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you.” Yes, MAGA Christians should love the homeless more, but with them, we’re just talking bodies, whereas souls are the real thing, and you can lose yours in San Francisco, where Tony Bennet’s concern about leaving his heart there is bigly beside the point.
Rule 1 is “remember always that there. Is a right and wrong.” Rule 2 is “beware of cities.” Rule 3 is, “always know that you are being watched.”
The genius of small towns is that one can be monitored. If you get married, someone will write down the date and see when the first child is born. The grapevine is concentrated and potent. This is why gays, women pregnant out of “wedlock,” feminists, and trans-genders tend to move to cities. They know they are being watched and long for anonymity, acceptance, and impersonality of the big metro. They like the idea of walking in a big city public garden alone, while MAGA Christians prefer to walk in a garden where “He walks with me and He talks with me/And He tells me I am his own,” in the words of an old gospel song made famous once by Willie Nelson. Without Him, life would be temping. It would be lonely.
What we have here is hot a failure to communicate but a triumph of communication. For Rule 1, right v. wrong, is enforced by God. Rule 2, be wary of the city and its emptiness, is enforced by Jesus the Son. And Rule 3, know that you are being monitored, is enforced by the Holy Spirit.
God’s Three Rules are the rules of the Godhead: Three in One. In theological terms the Trinity is an enigma. In social terms it makes a great deal of sense.
This is not a new story. In 1952 one of the saints of the Conservative Movement, Whittaker Chambers, wrote a great book called Witness, where he spelled out the metaphysical necessity of being a right-winger. The enemy of the Right is secular humanism and liberalism. It derives from the Enlightenment and the belief that great moral questions are a matter of opinion and that Man can overtake God in creating happiness and stability. Before he was fired, Tucker Carlson pointed out a few examples. Secular liberals wanted to force Christians and Real Americans to eat insects; to urbanize their leafy suburbs; and to take away their cars and guns. This is what comes from replacing Man with God, and THIS is the great epoch war of History. Make no mistake that it is war, and the enemy must be eliminated. History can be redeemed only if liberals, elites, feminists, gays, and the immigrants they sponsor can be gotten rid of. It is not that MAGA is gun-happy, but it needs those guns to win the Battle of History for God. The first great antagonists of God were the Communists; there can be little doubt that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and AOC would have joined the Party back then. As for sinister John Kerry, he fought Commies for a while but then turned in favor of them and against his own godly land.
There is a right and there is a wrong. Kerry was metaphysically wrong. He is an urban elite. He is unaccountable. God may be philosophically and scientifically dead. He is sociologically well.
Towards the end of his fairly short and unpeaceful life, Chambers wrote that unless conservatives went up against the Machine, they would only be petulant and short-tempered and ineffectual. By this time, he had retreated to his Maryland farm and found some tranquility in nature. He had become, like another conservative, Martin Heidegger, anti-mechanical. Were Chambers around today in MAGA-land, he might have said that there was once upon a time a period when the desires of MAGA were met, though not in America. In England, Scotland, and Wales from the late 19th century to the 1980s there was a settled community of workers, such as coal miners, who lived in socially conservative, chapel Christian villages where work was masculine, hard, but at least sufficient for a living. It was a blend of government supports, since the coal industry progressively was not able to operate totally on its own, and Christian piety. There were jobs; and there was God.
It was a Tory, a conservative, Margaret Thatcher, who upended this socialist arrangement. She broke the unions, attacked the economic basis of their family values, and declared that the free market would rule from then own. Members of the Labour Party have never forgiven her. Glenda Jackson said she would rather die than attend Thatcher’s funeral. She destroyed a mélange of left-wing economics and once-pious family life. She ruined what we might think of as MAGA Rural UK.
Chambers said conservatives needed to oppose the Machine. MAGA conservatives need to oppose global markets, whose creative destruction has outsourced their jobs and led to all those despised urban trends. It has made secular humanists like Jeff Bezos and Whoopi Goldberg rich. MAGA senses that free-market types like Paul Ryan are traitors to the cause, but it cannot bring itself to protest against global capitalism. Why not?
The main reason takes us back to their metaphysical view of history as seen in the Godhead’s Three Rules. They identify the secular left, he socialistic liberals who are little better than Reds, as the enemy. Since the ancient foe of communism has been capitalism, MAGAs cannot figure out how they can fight socialism and fee markets at the same time. Thatcher and Ronald Reagan talked a great game about how we could have free markets and stern morality at the same tine—they spoke of “individual responsibility.” This was a lie. The relentless creativity of capital markets is the great promoter of temporariness and novelty, of dynamic economies that push citizens into a perpetual need to re-invent themselves. It is the greatest enemy God ever faced. It IS Chambers’ “Machine” And without going up against it, MAGA remains petulant and angry, dangerously tempted to get rid of its enemies at any cost while letting their real antagonists off the hook. They need to send a memo to God: Demote the Iron Lady.
Barbie’s Very Own Mindset List®
All Dolled Up
One of the great philosophical puzzles is called “Theseus’ Ship.” This ship over the decades has to be repaired so many times that finally there is not a single board left from the original vessel. Is “Theseus’ Ship” still THESEUS’ SHIP? It’s a question of continuity and identity—and it is relevant to the thousands of makeovers of Barbie Dolls over the past 6o-plus years. Is Barbie still BARBIE? You be the judge. Here’s a little list to help you decide!
1 Barbie is 64 but has never looked her age.
2 There are over a billion Barbies.
3 She has been on cable and streaming for nearly 20 years.
4 She and Ken might have a common-aw marriage, but likely not.
5 Barbie changes her hair color often, though generally stays with blonde or brunette.
6 She was inspired by a German comic strip character.
7 She is named after her designer’s daughter.
8 She was first made in Japan.
9 Her zebra-striped swimsuit was once a fashion statement sensation.
10 She used to look sideways demure but now looks feminist straight-on.
11 Her breast size has been readjusted according to tase and controversy.
12 Her pink shoes launched her film career ten years ago.
13 She has been a YouTube blogger for the past eight years.
14 The first live action Barbie film is imminent.
15 Her parents lived in Willows, Wisconsin, where for a while she attended high school.
16 Barbie & Ken have been back together for 12 years and may now be just friends.
17 Among her friends is Christie, an African-American.
18 She has both piloted airliners and served as a flight attendant on them.
19 She once owned a pet zebra.
20 There is an Andy Warhol Barbie.
21 She has been an astronaut and surgeon, summit diplomat, dentist, baseball player and much more in a diverse career that would be the envy of the imposter on “Catch Me If you Can.”
22. AS one-third of American judges are female, there has been a Judge Barbie.
23 Dream houses in her name have been built by Habitat for Humanity.
24 She has been variously called an inspiring role model and a dangerously unrealistic ideal of female bodies.
25 Barbie has generally been under weight.
28. But she has also been tall, petite, and curvy, though some children called the latter “fat.”
29 Her 1965 bathroom scale was permanently set at 110 pounds.
30 Among Barbies have been African-American and Cinco de Mayo.
31 The first Black Barbie lacked distinctive African-inherited features.
32 She has had up to 22 skin tones.
33 She once liked Oreo Cookies, but this proved to be unpopular.
34 A girl in Tacoma once pointed out that Barbie could not fit into the elevator of her dream house—adjustments were made.
35 University professors objected to her saying “Math classes are tough.”
36 There was a brief suspicion that Barbie might get pregnant by her adult friend Mitch.
37 There is an “Islamic Barbie” named Fulla.
38 In a Barbie book she accidentally infects her sister’s laptop with malware, leading to accusations that the tome was sexist.
39 There have been Frida Kahlo and Amelia Earhart Barbies.
40 There are at least one hundred thousand Barbie collectors, 90 percent of them women.
41 A Barbie once sold for nine thousand British pounds—a record.
42 Mattel makes porcelain Barbies just for collectors.
43 “Food Chain Barbie” ended up in a blender; Mattel sued the parodist and lost.
44 Jay Leno once presented a Barbie meth lab; no lawsuits.
45 Britney Spears has starred as Barbie’s sister.
46 Barbie has appeared in bondage clothing; legal opposition failed.
47 Barbie Benson has been sued for name infringement.
48 Someone once inserted Gi Joe’s voice in a Barbie doll.
49 Lisa Simpson once had a notable relationship with Barbie.
50 Barbie has been the most litigious fashion model in world history.
51 Barbie is an adjective modifying the clinical term “Syndrome.”
52 Nikki Exotica, the “Million Dollar Barbie” has had 12 breast implants.
53 Fewer human beings, apparently, have aspired to look like Ken.
54 Some studies suggest that girls who admire Barbie tend to have lower self-esteem.
55 She has few viable competitors, though “Moxie Girlz” might have come closest.
SHAKESPEARE’S PHILOSOPHER-GHOSTS: Mystical Empire & the Multi-verse
Shakespeare’s Philosopher-Ghosts
Tom McBride
Ghosts all tell the same story: that what we thought was over and settled is not so; that miscreants can’t get away with their crimes and you can’t cut off and steal someone’s hand without their coming back as ghosts to claim it. The motto of ghosts is what Faulkner once said: “The past isn’t over; it’s not even past.” This is also the typical message of literary ghosts and part of the fun of ghost stories. The premise is that death settles nothing, in a way a comforting idea, and if you throw in the spookiness of ghosts, as long as we readers are safe from them, then the whole thing adds up to a most attractive human experience.
Shakespeare is no exception. His three main ghosts all have roughly the same function. Caesar’s ghost comes to Brutus to tell him that killing Caesar has not ended the Roman dreams of empire and that the future emperors are even now gathering to defeat him in battle. Banquo’s ghost tells Macbeth that he may have murdered Banquo but that his sins and his guilt will find him out and that the whole assassination scheme will end badly. Hamlet’s father’s ghost tells Hamlet that a great wrong has been done and that it is Hamlet’s job to make it right. Caesar, Banquo, Hamlet, Sr.: they are all dead, but they are really not, and their murders have settled nothing—the past is not done yet.
Sometimes this whole thing is also a little embarrassing. Respectable society wants to live in the present and not bebothered by family secrets or shameful back stories. Freud, in his essay on “The Uncanny,” termed this the sort of thing that should remain hidden but won’t. Of course, Freud was drawn to this idea because it reminded him of the return of repressed instincts that should be kept in the psychic closet but always seem to get out. This is why so-called respectable women came to him to cure their hysterical episodes, which stemmed from something traumatic that happened long ago that they would just as soon forget but can’t quite do so, really.
At first, we may think that Shakespeare’s three ghosts are generally all the same and have identical functions as plot-turners. The past is not over—not even in the past. Yet a closer look shows that there are philosophical distinctions among the three ghosts that are worth a look. Let us start with great Caesar’s ghost.
We might assume that Caesar’s ghost is an immaterial phantom. How else could formerly living matter rise from the dead? Think again. We don’t need his ghost at all in order to know that what Caesar represented, alive or ghostly, has never died. This is the dream of empire, of conquest, of control and influence over vast territory. Even today, the idea has not perished in the minds of Putin and Xi and their followers. We could call this the “recurring ghost of empire,” but wait a minute. If the universe is made of matter, then how does such nationalistic and imperial consciousness get transferred from one human being to another over eons of time—from Rome to Mongolia to Persia to London to Washington, D.C.? The consciousness of empire, whether actualized or not, is hardly the only aspiration, hope, or anxiety so moved from consciousness to consciousness over the centuries—there is also, for instance, fascism, democracy, tolerance, and apocalypse. How does this happen in a material universe? If we are persuaded that the mind is a function of the brain, how do mere concatenations of neurons get us to conscious thoughts of empire?
Matter can get us to the behaviors of empires—swords and guns—but much less obviously the idea of empire. One solution to this conundrum is the idea of panpsychism: that matter is itself tacitly conscious in some so far unknown and perhaps unknowable way. Only if there is some prototypical level of awareness in neurons, electrons, and quarks can there emerge not only my awareness of wanting empire but also my awareness that it is I who wants it and that I should seek out others who do as well.
We could otherwise be left with an unworkable choice: that matter itself, left to its own devices, is too incoherent to account for organized consciousness and its inheritance, or that consciousness is itself a ghost, something totally apart from molecules and atoms. Phillip Goff has explored this enigma beautifully in Galileo’sError. It seems more likely, and more interesting to posit that Shakespeare’s haunting Caesar is not so much a ghost as a literary device that raises questions about how a material universe can produce what seems like a ghost—the mind’s great intangible awareness of itself. Indeed, when we see great Caesar’s ghost onstage or read him on the page, we are using our material tools of vision and ink (or fonts) and cognitive neurology.
Caesar then is a Pan-psychic Ghost.
If we may skip Banquo and Macbeth for a moment and go to Hamlet, we will find that his father’s spirit was a Mystical Ghost. How so? Was Hamlet’s encounter with his father’s ghost a mystical experience? A religious one?
Modern philosophy helps us with these questions, and it begins with a skepticism worthy of Hamlet himself. Such philosophy has long suspected what is sometimes called “naïve realism,” or the proposition that when we see X we see it precisely and accurately and wholly. Too much research has been done on misperception for that view to be easily sustained, but above all, there is the notion that natural selection has evolved human animals to see what it is necessary to see for survival and little else. Bats can hear better than we can, and octopi can feel better than we can, and a number of species have stereoscopic vision greater than ours. Perhaps we do not perceive other dimensions because we don’t need to see them, just as octopi and bats don’t need to talk in order to get on in the world.
It is in this spirit of skeptical inquiry that William James asked (in Varieties of Religious Experience) why we honor scientific observation as a way to find out nature but dishonor mystical encounters as a way to find out God. Mystical experiences, James said, are noetic, passive, and transient: They impart knowledge about the divine; they don’t last long; and those who have them are attentive but not active participants. Was Hamlet’s meeting with his father’s ghost a “religious experience?” Later, Hamlet seems to think so, as he says “there’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.” James says that knowledge of God, however defined, come via religious experience. You can’t find God in a scientific experiment or in a guess about how someone is going to react when you present bad news or in an estimate of your chances at a gambling table. One finds religion, says James, in, well, religious experiences—mystical, visionary, ghostly ones. Such experiences are life-changing; nothing is the same after them.
Alastair McIntyre wrote that Hamlet received upon his return from the university, an “epistemological shock”: his father had died and his mother had married his beastly uncle. Yet it is equally true that Hamlet had a collision with a phantom that ushered him into his fate for the rest of his life, just as a religious experience can usher one into one’s life trajectory for the rest of one’s days. Furthermore—this is the main thing—it is only through this sort of life-altering vision that Hamlet can find out the content and direction of his destiny. This alone justifies the ghost as a plot device to get thins rolling.
To be sure, Hamlet’s religious experience is not the type we might expect. We might prefer some angel of the Lord convincing us that our life’s mission is to aid the poor. Yet surely Moses had a mystical experience when the Lord appeared to him in a Burning Bush on Mount Sanai and told him that he, Moses, was elected by Providence to lead his people out of bondage. Hamlet was elected to avenge his father’s death and bring justice to the Kingdom of Denmark. It is by no means something that he always wants to do or thinks he should do. But it is his life’s meaning, and it would never have been had it not been for his father’s ghost. And he at least manages to bring Claudius’ ruthlessly unfair rule to an end. Is this not a religious duty also?
How much of all this is real? Could the ghost have been a psychic projection or delusion? Hamlet worries over this question, too. No matter. Hamlet thinks he has had it, and he behaves accordingly for the remainder of the play. James takes no position on the ontological status of religious experiences but adds that they are real to those who have them and communicate a knowledge that can frequently come in no other way.
Hamlet Senior’s ghost is a Mystical Ghost. Banquo’s ghost is a Multiverse One. How so? The short answer is that before he became a ghost Banquo represented a profound counterfactual to Macbeth’s moral choices. Let us delve into the significance of counterfactuals via the work of a great modern philosopher.
David Lewis, in On the Plurality of Worlds, and other writings, argued that the world you and I inhabit is one of very many others. He was trained in a philosophical world in which all answerable questions were presumed to be scientific ones. Metaphysical speculation was a waste of time. But Lewis noticed that in daily practice we speculate a great deal of the time, mostly about alternative scenarios. “I’d better do X because doing Y will be bad for me.” We run in our minds counterfactual outcomes in order to do the right thing, however “right” is defined. Lewis in time came to believe that if counterfactuals have a status in this world, there would be no way to disprove that they do not exist in different worlds altogether. There may be worlds in which it would be better for us to do Y instead of X; or worlds where X and Y aren’t options at all; of worlds where we do not even exist. There can be an infinite number of such worlds. At the same time, there were limits to Lewis’ plurality of worlds, for in all such words he posited that there was causation in space and time. He was a many-world guy but not a promiscuous one. He was also a moral realist, who thought murder was wrong in a real-world sense and not a matter of cultural preferences or social constructions. The wrongness of murder is no more a social fact than is the law of gravity.
In the world of Macbeth, three prophetic weird sisters tell him and Banquo about their futures. They tell Banquo that he will never be king but that he will establish a line of kings. They tell Macbeth that he will be king. Banquo does not do anything about the prophecy that pertains to him. He prefers to relax and enjoy, until Macbeth has him killed to make sure that Banquo cannot possibly start a line of kings that will outshine his own rule (which, by the way, will have no successors since Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have no children). Banquo is an index to the fact that Macbeth, too, could have decided to relax and enjoy. The witches tell him he will be king, so why not wait to see if it will happen? Why force the issue with an assassination—a murder (always wrong, in Lewis’ view). Why would Macbeth not have tuned into his que-sera-sera channel?
It is hard to say why. But the fact is that he didn’t. He decided to take matters into his own hands. A counterfactual would be that King Duncan would die and Macbeth be named his successor, or that Duncan become ill and name Macbeth his successor.
And indeed, per David Lewis, there are worlds in which that happened. They are not the world of the play. They are different worlds, but one thing common to them all: murder is wrong as a brute fact, not a social one. It is wrong in the world where Macbeth did no murder and the one, that of the play, in which he does. There is a world where Macbeth wins the lottery and one in which he becomes a killer.
This should in turn lead us to re-interpret, big time, Banquo as a ghost. The standard view is that he reminds Macbeth of his guilt, and indeed Macbeth is terribly frightened of Banquo’s ghost and denies that he had anything to do with his murder (Banquo’s son Fleance got away and went on to found the Stuart line of kings that resulted in King James I, who attended the play). Yet Banquo’s ghost is not only an agent of guilt and potential retribution. He is also a reminder that Macbeth had had another way—a Banquo way—of waiting and seeing if the sisters’ prediction came true. Banquo is a visitor from a separate world: the world in which Macbeth could have been patient and kindly and become monarch after all. IN this deep sense Banquo is a Multiverse Ghost—an index of counterfactual worlds, separate ontological realms that are, alas, totally cut off from our world—and from Macbeth’s.
Banquo thus expresses the idea that there are multi-verses, decidedly different from one another, but in all of which murder is wrong. This of course does not settle other philosophical questions. Existing as he did in his world, could Macbeth have done anything other than become an assassin? Banquo suggests that Macbeth did have other choices. The answer to the difficult question might well go like this: Had Macbeth preferred to relax and enjoy, he would have made his world different, although there might well be another world in which he chose to kill his sovereign. Thus: we are not trapped in our world but have a role in defining it. We make our worlds, but there are other denizens in other worlds that make theirs, and quite differently. You and I may make our worlds by becoming florists instead of killers, but there will be others, to be sure, where florists become killers; and still others where killers try to hide from their wrongs by becoming florists; and still others in which killers murder only florists. Meanwhile, Macbeth made his world and it was the one he had to live and die in.
Banquo visits him from a different world and reminds him that it didn’t have to be this way.
We are left, then, with the commonly observed function of the three ghosts as expressions of deficient justice (or at least deficient historical judgment) and of a coming squaring of accounts. But the ghosts reveal more, and this more is nothing short of describing who we are as human beings and what we must confront as such. This includes being made of a matter that, however transient as an emergent creature, somehow manages to communicate a continuing cultural consciousness long after we as individuals have been buried with our molecules; a potential for visionary experience that seems to be one of the few privileged ways by which we learn our directions; and an authorship of moral choices that mandate that we live in one world as opposed to another. We are historically conscious beings, mysteriously destined ones, and morally realistic ones. Do these things go together neatly? No. Shakespeare’s universe is as varied and contradictory as is the assortment of his ghosts.